About Me

Paul Bonner

I'm going back to school to hopefully upgrade my career potential, which is my way of saying that I hate my dead end job, but feel under-qualified for most other positions.

I'm either a socialist or a liberal, depending on which the person asking the question finds most offensive, though I categorize myself as an independent. It really comes down to the simple fact that I always find myself saying that there should be some sort of structure put in place to dampen the catastrophic impact that idiocy has on our culture and daily lives, and the only logical implementation of such a system would need to governmental. Freedom? When I'm in a good mood, I'll say that everyone deserves it; if I've just been run off the road by a guy in an Ed Hardy shirt with three colors, a blue tooth headset on one ear and an iPhone on the other, I'll say that idiots should be *removed for sensitive audience members*.

I find myself in a US Government class because, to be honest, I do need this credit to get my full transfer to a 4-year degree program. I'm intrigued to see how this blogging thing works out.